How many senses do you know? (x 3)
Come have a guess! Have a go!
Seeing is what we do with our big round eyes
Looking at the flowers, the clouds in the sky
Roses are red, violets are blue
The colours of the rainbow shining just for you
Hearing is what we do with our ears on our head
Mummy’s still calling get out of bed
The playground bell is ringing out loud
Listen to your teachers make them feel proud.
You smell with the bump in the middle of your face
The dinner hall is my favourite place
I can smell the chips and the biscuits too!
Take a deep breath Mmm that smells good!
Taste is what you do with the tongue in your mouth
Taste buds north east west and south
Helping us decide what we like to eat
Crisps are really salty chocolate’s sweet!
Hands help us touch, things all around
Helping us explore the things we have found
Feeling if it’s rough smooth or hot
Helping us decide if we pick it up or not.